New MSc student!
Margherita Ferrarini from Politecnico di Milano will complete her MSc thesis with us! She will stay for 8 months. We wish her a good time!
Aleksander Loncar visit us!
Welcome to our guest Aleksandar Loncar from the University of Rennes! He will stay for 4 months. We wish him a good time!
New publication
In this communication, we have identified “teaching challenges” to enable students' transition from the mental to the conceptual model in groundwater field courses - An Editor-moderated discussion in the journal Groundwater.
Navid Ahmadi visit us!
Welcome to our guest Navid from Darmstadt Technical Univeristy! He will stay for 4 months. We wish him a good time!
New publication
In our last communication, we model vadose zone hydrological processes in naturally occurring piezometric depressions such as those found in the Chari-Baguirmi (Lake Chad Basin). This has been published in Environmental Earth Sciences and is the result of an international collaboration that includes the World Bank.
In the great outdoors – GLOBE MAGAZINE
In our field course, ETH students are mapping the groundwater in an area of forest near Bern. This fieldwork gives them the skills they need for a career in environmental engineering.
Groundwater and Climate – AquaViva
Take a look at our latest divulgation article on ‘Groundwater and Climate’ in AquaViva together with our colleagues from the Swiss Groundwater Network CHGNet
Global warming accelerates soil heterotrophic respiration!
Projections predict a global increase in heterotrophic respiration (40% in the worst case), with the Arctic experiencing more than two-fold. Glad to be part of this Swiss effort published in Nature Communications! See more here!
New publication
In our last release, we study how the internal heterogeneity of biofilms enhances fluid mixing and reactions and biologically driven reactions, e.g., bioaccumulation, within porous media. This is a manuscript from Ishaan Markale! This has been published in Environmental Science & Technology in collaboration with UC Davis and WSL!