Every drop counts

SEP Group is participating in the exhibition “Science on Your Plate” at the Mühlerama Museum for Food Culture in Zurich, with the project “Understanding the effects of irrigation modernization in water resources management – citrus production in the Jucar river basin, Spain”. Come and visit us on June 1st (from 18:00 until 21:00) at the event “Meet the Scientist”.
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New publication

Sandra Pool's paper on the impact of irrigation modernization on groundwater recharge and nitrogen leaching under variable climatic conditions, in collaboration with colleagues from the Technical University of Valencia, is now published in Science of the Total Environment.
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New publication

Andres Velasquez's paper, with collaborators at the University of Rennes, on the control of phases saturation on fluid flow velocities in porous media, published in Geophysical Research Letter.
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New publication

A review on how pore-scale processes control biomineralization and suggestions on how to tame it published in Reviews in Environmental Science and Biotechnology. This has been a collaboration with Jen Nguyen (University of British Columbia) and Dani Or (Desert Research Institute).
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Podcast aims at young women to inform and motivate them to get into engineering

The podcast aims at young women to inform and motivate them to get into engineering. If you are curious about why Dorothee Kurz studied Bioprocess engineering, why she chose to switch university for her Master degree or what in retrospect she would have done differently, listen in! For non-German speakers: The Podcast is in German – you can either practise your recent acquired German skills or Dorothee is happy to give you a short summary in English.
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New publication

Sandra Pool's paper, with collaborators at Technical University of Valencia, on groundwater recharge in irrigated areas using a multi-objective calibration approach, published in Water Resources Research.
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